Monday, August 15, 2005

thunderstorms here and there

A thunderstorm passed through the area knocking out our electricity for a few hours today. I listened to my hand crank radio for a little while but couldn't find any news about the storm. Then my wife tried our tiny battery powered TV to watch the 7pm news on WVLT. They reported that lightning had struck a house near us, setting it on fire.

There was a big thunderstorm near Los Angeles in the town of Lancaster last night. Thunderstorms are somewhat rare in Southern California. One of the local weathermen, Fritz Coleman of KNBC-TV, reported on the unusual phenomenon. On tonight's 5pm news Fritz said, "Maybe you were awakened by a spouse saying someone is trying to break in the home! Maybe you said 'the next door neighbor's home blew up!' Ha!" Seems like a weird thing to laugh about, doesn't it?
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