Thursday, April 20, 2006

comedy = celebrity + time

The New York Post's Page Six column has had a rough time lately. At least somebody there still has a good sense of humor. This morning's column had a very funny spoof of what Page Six might look like twenty years from now. The whole thing is worth reading, especially the "Just Asking" section:
WHICH aging lothario rates Apple Martin a "5," Lourdes Ciccone a "7" and Moses Martin a "9"? Naughty. . . WHAT pouty-lipped celebrity offspring is renouncing her American citizenship to run for president of Namibia? . . . WHICH poptart spawn was arrested for driving without a seatbelt for the third time this month? "Mom never strapped me in to car seats or high chairs, so I guess I just never got in the habit," he told our spy.
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Anonymous Pam Mc said...

HAHAHA that's cute.


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