Sunday, May 07, 2006


Every weekend, The Comedy Zone plays host to stand-up comedians from all over the country. Once a month they allow our improv group to perform an early show, two hours before they normally open. I usually send out a few emails reminding friends to come see us on the first Saturday of the month but I try to avoid bothering the same people two months in a row. In addition to friends from church and work, I sometimes aim high. It paid off when the lovely Amelia Graham of WATE-TV came to see the show in December.

The lights had come down and the show was about to begin last night when a cameraman from WBIR-TV approached the box office. I went out front to investigate. The ticket clerk was telling the cameraman that he was at least two hours early because their headline comedian didn't go on until 8 o'clock. Surely, he must be here for the touring comic, right? The cameraman seemed puzzled. His instructions were to get there at 6 o'clock. I asked the cameraman if he had been sent by WBIR's blogger and producer Katie Granju. I had emailed Katie hoping for a plug on her entertainment blog. The cameraman said no, he had been sent by Abby Ham.

Abby Ham! The same Abby Ham I wrote about on March 13 and again on April 7. The same Abby Ham who emailed me on April 8. The same Abby Ham whose bio is finally on the WBIR website (thank you, by the way, to all those who wrote to me last week to make sure I had seen Abby's new bio page). The same Abby Ham I emailed on Friday inviting her to the show just in case her 6:00 p.m. newscast would be pre-empted by Kentucky Derby coverage (it was only delayed, not pre-empted).

Realizing that the cameraman was there to see us, I rushed him into the showroom and then ran backstage with a moment to spare before taking the stage with the rest of the group. He stayed long enough to videotape our first few games of the night: Sound Effects; First In Last Out and Hitchhiker. Abby used the footage as her kicker story at the end of the 11:00 p.m. newscast, right before "Saturday Night Live."

Although Abby couldn't be there in person, at least she got to see me playing Hitchhiker with Bill Slayden and Lance Harwell. And she had a big smile as she introduced the tape.

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