Monday, June 11, 2007

don't send food to HBO

Almost every blogger had something to say about "The Sopranos" finale. I especially enjoyed Ken Levine's review that alternated between Tony and the Tonys. Many Sopranos fans holding on to the hope that the characters will live on in a feature film.

"Veronica Mars" fans are holding on to the hope that they can convince The CW to uncancel their favorite show. "Jericho" fans got a reprieve for their show by sending nuts to CBS because nuts were somehow important to the storyline. So naturally Veronica fans want to send Mars Bars to The CW. The only catch is that Mars Bars are no longer sold in the USA. Some fans are ordering Mars bars from stores that sell foods from Great Britain. Others are sending Snickers Almond bars to the network, which seems to miss the point entirely.

Many TV commercials for radio stations miss the point entirely. A note-perfect parody of such spots is posted on a site that I added to my blogroll today.

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