Thursday, September 21, 2006

attention deficit

Unique content is what will keep terrestrial radio from becoming obsolete. Unique content (or the lack thereof) is what will ultimately make (or break) satellite radio. I didn't subscribe to HBO for the movies, it was the unique content that hooked me. Satellite radio may offer lots of commercial free music but I would rather save the money and occasionally buy copies of the songs I want to hear on my car CD player or on my mp3 player/cell phone. I usually listen to news or talk radio in the car anyhow.

RadioDailyNews had a link today to a blog article about a new idea for radio. What if they took all the songs and cut them down to two minutes each? That's the patented concept behind Radio SASS. I knew a morning deejay who had secretly shortened all the songs he played. His program director never quite figured out how he could talk so much each morning and still play the required eight songs an hour. The deejay eventually got another job where he wasn't forced to play music. His ratings went up as he created more unique content each morning. Would you listen to a station that played only the best parts of songs? Do you need to hear the whole thing? Or are you a talk radio fan instead?

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Blogger Polly said...

Most of the radio I hear lacks interesting deejays. Some I even want to ban because they're so annoying. This could most likely be avoided w/ a mp3 player or satellite radio. So, my answer is no. However, if a truly gifted deejay were to appear I'd listen.

Anonymous Teresa said...

I am a talk radio fan, so music isn't important to me. I listen to the music I like on my cd's or ipod. I prefer to listen to interesting deejays or news analysts. But the media in general has lost my respect. If todays media had been covering WWII, we would have lost.

Anonymous marc,kim,and frank fan said...

Are you kidding me?? I cant crawl out of bed every morning with out Music!- Dont get me wrong I listen to Star 102.1 every day because of the deejays too.. But music is what drives me.. I couldnt imagine only hearing the good parts of songs...
just so you know I did get the chance to listen to a rival station this morning.- thier show was awful!!- they dont hold a light to your morning show!!

Anonymous Becki said...

I perfer the talk. I listen to you guys in the morning, it seems the best time to catch you is early. Right as you come on there is simply talk. I love it. It seems the more songs that are jammed into it the more you really don't get to explore any topics as they should be. The 2 minute rule so should apply. Yah, that's my take on it.


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